Frequently asked questions
1 – How quickly can I expect to hear back regarding my inquiry?
We generally respond to all inquiries within 2 business days. If you have not heard back after 2 business days, please re-send your message through the contact page.
2 – What are the fees?
GI Expert Opinion fees are based on client type and service type, and are in US dollars. We maintain transparency in this regard, and as such, the applicable fee schedule is agreed upon prior to initiation of services.
3 – How are teleconsultations set up?
Depending on the nature of a client’s inquiry, an initial teleconsultation (generally by secure videoconference but tailored to client need) will be recommended and arranged. For relatively simple queries, a 30-minute initial teleconsultation can be arranged. Client materials (e.g. records) in need of review and discussion during the teleconsultation session can be emailed (or availed for downloading via a link) ahead of time to confirm receipt. Follow-up meetings and additional services, e.g. typewritten reports and declarations, can be thereafter arranged as needed.
4 -Do the services extend to international clients?
Yes; we have capacity and are flexible in this regard. For medical clients, by virtue of GI Expert Opinion being a teleconsultation service (and not a telehealth or telemedicine provider , we are able to provide consultative services to individuals around the globe. Logistics can be arranged on an individualized basis.
5 –Do you prescribe medications to individual clients?
As an expert opinion service and not a telehealth provider, and because a doctor-patient relationship is not established through GI Expert Opinion, medications are not prescribed to clients. For this same reason, GI Expert Opinion does not bill or accept payment through health insurance. However, upon request, we can work with a client’s treating provider to facilitate prescribing guidelines and/or suggest subspecialized providers to assist in this regard.
6 – Do you only provide short-term services, or can services be longitudinal?
GI Expert Opinion can offer both short and long-term services, as preferred by the client. Long-term services can be regular, intermittent, or ad hoc.
7 – I am considering filing a medical malpractice claim (or have already have a claim in progress); can GI Expert Opinion review the case and provide an expert opinion?”
Yes, we provide expert medical opinion services throughout the spectrum of potential, existing, and ongoing medical professional liability (i.e. malpractice) and other GI-related medico-legal cases. We are also available to provide expert medical witness services for defendants.