About GI Expert Opinion

GI Expert Opinion is the only expert opinion service specifically established for and dedicated to the increasingly subspecialized and complex field of Gastroenterology (GI) and its closely related fields, including but not limited to Advanced Endoscopy.  Based in Los Angeles, GI Expert Opinion offers a variety of consultative and second opinion services for clients around the world. Our diverse clientele include: i) individuals seeking more knowledge or options regarding their health condition(s), ii) legal professionals needing expert medical witness services, and iii) others, including biotechnological corporations with R&D interests in the GI sector, healthcare organizations.  and government bodies. We offer customized professional services tailored to our unique clients.


About the Founder

Dr. James H. Tabibian, MD, PhD, FACP, FASGE, FACG, AGAF is a Health Sciences Clinical Professor in the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and an Interventional Endoscopist at Adventist Health Glendale, where he serves as Medical Director of the Advanced GI Center. His clinical and research interests include bile duct disorders (e.g. primary sclerosing cholangitis [PSC], cholangiocarcinoma), therapeutic endoscopy, and endoscopic management of gastrointestinal, pancreatobiliary, and hepatologic conditions.

Dr. Tabibian has published extensively in top tier peer-reviewed journals internationally, as can be seen in the National Library of Medicine's archive (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=tabibian+j), and has authored numerous book chapters as well as the 2023 book “Digestive Problems Solved.” He serves as an Editorial Board member for several leading peer-reviewed biomedical journals and an ad hoc reviewer for these as well as numerous others. Dr. Tabibian is an active member of numerous major professional societies, including the AASLD, ASGE, AGA, ACG, and ACP, and has held various leadership positions. In addition, he has been awarded extramural research grants, is a certified expert medical reviewer in Gastroenterology for the Medical Board of California, and an advisor for various private organizations and governmental agencies Lastly, Dr. Tabibian maintains his clinical expertise in endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), luminal stenting, and endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR), among other procedures. A copy of Dr. Tabibian’s research profile can be found here.

GI Expert Opinion is committed to completing tasks fairly, efficiently, and effectively and to the full satisfaction of its clients.  

Your success is GI Expert Opinion’s success.

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